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Since early 2018 Bristol has been actively involved in the planning, design and install of systems to meet security compliance for retail outlets across central & western provinces including Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta & British Columbia.
To date we have participated on and successfully completed cannabis production and dispensing facilities across Central & Western Canada, including the State of Florida.

Please contact us for additional information.

Provincial bodies having jurisdiction over retail licensing have set stringent operating and security parameters, however those rules and compliance requirements are continuously changing - evolving together with the industry itself. Although general compliance requirements are set and similar across provincial bodies, specific details can not only vary from location to location, but can be a moving target as regulators themselves grow and adapt with this new industry.

  • I.T. Systems Design and Deployment
  • POS (point-of-sale) Systems, Credit / Debit Processing
  • Inventory Control
  • CCTV Positioning, Monitoring
  • Card Access (non-public areas)
  • Intrusion Detection (alarm)
  • Media (digital menu boards, sound, information displays)

We are continually designing and installing these systems with retailers as they roll out their locations, and perhaps just as importantly are participating in the final inspection process for each completed location, effectively putting us in the front row to any new or upcoming changes.

eWeedPro Logo
Once initial security compliance has been met and a license to store cannabis on site granted, regular ongoing audits of key systems and operations are performed by the licensing authority, including:
  • Inventory control – reconcile inventory received to inventory on hand, sold thru POS system, or destroyed.
  • Access control – check of access to non-public areas via on-site video archives at random dates and correlating with recorded logs of individual employee activity to secured areas.

We incorporate this requirement into each deployed system to facilitate and ease the audit process and continued licensing.

AGCO - Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario AGLC - Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis LGCA - Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba LCRB - British Columbia Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch SLGA - Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority
Registered logo's and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Since access and security are the most important factors for the successful opening of a cannabis retail location and tightly integrated with physical store layout and function, we have built on that experience and expanded our services. We now offer customers the complete design and build of retail space for cannabis including full construction drawings to permit documents and processing of permit applications:

  • Architectural (Floor Plan, Ceiling Plan, Elevations)
  • Mechanical (HVAC, Plumbing, Sprinkler)
  • Electrical (Power Distribution, Lighting)
  • Communications (Data Networks, Media)
  • Security Systems (CCTV, Access Control, Intrusion)
  • Life Safety Plans (Emergency Egress, Lighting, Fire Alarm)
  • Application and Processing of Building Permits

This covers retail space design incorporating permitted consumer access to cannabis product, control/screening process for consumer access to store, right to the secure storage and handling of cannabis product.

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